Processor Details

Parameter Name



Shows whether processor is enabled or disabled.


Shows the exact date and time of processor creation.


Shows processor description. Possible to edit after creating the processor. Please contact support team in order to change description.


Shows the tag of the processor. While searching processor by tag, all processors with the same tag will be shown. Possible to edit after creating the processor. Please contact support team in order to change tag.

Spring bean id

Shows under which Spring bean id the processor is. Represents processor logic for internal use by Payment Gateway support team.

Processor Group Id

Shows under which group id the processor is for internal use by Payment Gateway support team.


General processing logic (e.g. CC)

Default card type

Shows default card type on the processor.


Short code for processor. Possible to edit after creating the processor. Please contact support team in order to change code.


Shows which Dealer is connected to the processor. Not possible to add Dealer after creating the processor.

Filter by blacklist

Allowing blacklist filter on processor level.

Transaction Types

Sale, Sale 3D, Reversal, Auth, Auth 3D, Capture, Cancel, Refund, Void, Chargeback, Chargeback Reversal, Prearbitration, Arbitration, Retrieval, Fraud, Pan Eligibility, Payout Cancel, CUP Payout. If transaction type has marker YES that means that processor can process these transaction types, if it has marker NO that means that processor cannot process them. If some type of transaction should be added or activated please contact support team.


Shows if MPI is on processor’s side or not.

Close Day

Shows if close day function is available on processor.